02 January 2015

Another diet...

I'm not going to lie things this time around have been way too hard. Two kids, no sleep, yes I'm breastfeeding and the weight is not coming off. But I might have some sort of answer. For those of you who don't know Miles is not the smallest guy in the world. But I now, even if for the short term, has some very BIG motivation for him. We're heading "home" to New Orleans in a little over a month. With the new year here and of course it seems everyone's New Year's Resolution is to loose weight it seems right to try something else. So what are we going to try this time with Mardi Gras literally right around the corner. If I have to get into a ball gown I want to look good doing it.

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While at this time we are NOT looking into becoming sales reps we are looking at this program. Both Miles and I did really well on Medifast but has a horrible time transitioning. This program was introduced to by our Chiropractor, who also happens to be Miles' fraternity bother. But this man has done amazing things for me and my sleep. He is very genuinely concerned about Miles' health. While I am currently sitting at about ten pounds per pregnancy I really wasn't happy with were I was. And while YES Bob's Skinny rules work! Miles found it dull. See I do things by the book till I'm very comfortable with them then I can feel brave enough on my own to do it. I have talked to someone else, a family member, who did Isagenix but she wasn't really happy on the program. Why? She said the food was very filling she is not a shake person. Me I can LIVE off shakes I love them! She also ate over her calorie count (I'll get to that in a min) and drank while on the plan. She said that she had a couple of friends do it and although they reached their goal weight they are still on the program. I've talked to a nutritionist about the program and while it's healthy the only down side is that it seems people keep it up after they reach their goals. So I need to find a good way to transition.

So how to program works. For Miles it will be two meals a day I think two snacks and one real low glycemic 400-600 calorie meals. Plus a couple of what they call "cleanse days." Me, it's the same thing without the cleanse. Here is where I stick to the book for a while. I really don't know anything about a low glycemic diet. So I found another blog of a girl who did Isagenix. Thriving Not Depriving by Tracie She has meals she did on the plan and I also am checking out some cookbooks from our local library with low glyemic recipes. I think the major key here is the low glyemic meals, which one of the cookbooks it seems very very low calorie too. That works well for me and Miles.

So new plan, new diet and new exercise routine. So I'll let you know how it goes. I will be doing that by the Isabody Challenge While obviously Miles and I are not signing up for it because we missed the deadline to sign up we are going to pretend we are for some much needed encouragement. So that being said as Walgreens says "Be well!"

07 August 2014

Jumpstart so far

Well first off it is A LOT of food and if you don't like cooking this is probably not for you. I go through this very vicious cycle of wanting to cook and then I get sick of cooking. It is not the best thing for my family. It's the main reason I love freezer meals. So as soon as this is all said and done I am going to find some healthy well proportioned freezer meals. I just have to do it for my family. Anyone has some you want to share? Well thus far. We started on Monday. Miles has not weighed himself because the battery in the scale is dying (I am replacing it today) and it won't read high weight. My weight it doesn't seem to have an issue with. So Monday morning I weighed 145.6. Tuesday I weighed 143.4. Wednesday I weighed 142.8. Today I weighed 140.4. There was a big break down because yesterday we didn't do so well. We woke up late and it caused us to get our 45 min walk late. So we only ate 2 meals yesterday instead of three. I do not suggest this ever! But I have lost over 5 pounds in less than a week. I don't find myself hunger unless it's time to eat (like now and I'm waiting on Miles to get home.)

I'm very proud of myself I didn't cheat, I had no popcorn or m&m's at the summer movie fair on Tuesday. I was very good. We might take a detour from the plan this weekend (Not a great idea when it's only 3 weeks) but it's a friend's birthday party. I think we might eat before we go and just sip on water while we are there but not sure. We also had a dear friend of the family pass away so we might need to talk out his son (Miles' friend) to help him handle everything. That would normally mean beer. So we shall see. I'm not a big fan of the idea of going off the diet but I'll let you know what happens.

I did not work out last night because I only had the two meals and I didn't want to drop off so many calories my breast milk decreases. We slept in late because I'm sick so we missed our walk this morning. I'm going to try and convince Miles to go tonight.

I wish Bob had a freezer meal book. I miss my Once a month cooking. I know his roasted veggies freeze really well. Well I think that is it for now. Sorry this is slightly scatter brained.

04 August 2014

Jumpstart day 1

So far so good. Well sort of. I kind of forgot our vitamins at home some Miles had to run and go get them at lunch. (We're, my and the kids, are at my grandmother's today and Miles had to work.) Although it is so low calorie it is so much food! I am having trouble eating it all. We did go for our 45 min walk this morning and Miles and I will be working out this evening. But man I don't think I've had to pee so much without being pregnant. We've had two meals thus far and it was really yummy! Although i think if I do incorporate some of these recipes into our everyday life our lunch salad will have pecans! What can i say I love apple and pecan salads.

Do not get my wrong it's a lot of work. Lots of chopping and prepping. Not sure how those none stay at homers would do this I guess a lot of work at night. Then again it took me two days to get everything. Yum yep I am one of those (If you follow Borne To Help them know this already) people who go to so many different stores to find the right price. So over two days I went to Penn Dutch, Winn Dixie, Sadono's Stiles, Aldi's, Costco, Bravo, Whole Foods (twice I forgot the bread a duh!) and Walmart. (FYI Walmart changed their price matching policies check out Borne to Help them (linked above) to see what I mean.

Then two days prepping. I wanted to start on Sunday but I hadn't been to Walmart. So yep we started today. We're going to take before pictures tonight and we shall see if there is any real difference in 21 days. (Remember i am eating the male size meals because I'm currently breastfeeding Alice. So my results will probably not be as great. But Miles has agreed to allow me to post photos of him and his weight loss too!)

31 July 2014

And it hit me...

As I laid in bed last night a thought occurred to me. I have been kicking myself because I do not weigh now what I did when I had Rob at this age. Meaning I weigh more now with Alice than I did when Rob was 3 months old. Why? Ahhh I was on medifast. Miles liked to program. Me not so much. I had a hard time with accepting I could eat a bag of puffs for a meal. In my humble opinion it lead to bad eating habits. So I sat down last night (before my ah ha moment in bed) and wrote out my grocery list. I decided (this morning) I would be eating the man potion of the plan (Jumpstart) (which is 1200 calories) because I'm currently breastfeeding Alice and Bob does not take into account breatfeeding. Normally the doctors says 300 extra calories when you breastfeed. My fitness pal says it's about 200 calories per day. So while I'm eating about 400 extra calories a day with eating the man's portion I might no eat the whole 1.5 increase, but I will play it by ear. Jumpstart is a drastic cut in your caloric intact. It is NOT a long term fix. It is to kickstart our plan. It's only 3 weeks. So I feel a little better realizing last night that I don't way less because I was on an unrealistic (for me) diet. So come the start of next week I hope to kick start it! :)

30 July 2014


So I have to finish reading a book that is an ILL (Inter Library Loan, meaning my local library system does not carry the book so another library, usually from another state, lent my library the book so I could read it.) and due tomorrow. So I am going to finish that tonight, then I will be reading The Total Money Makeover for Borne To Help Them and I picked up
Jumpstart, Jump start to skinny, Jumpstart to skinny, weight loss
Harper Girl did it a while back and while I love the skinny rules I need something to kick start our weight loss. Miles, My grandmother and I will all be part taking while grandma most likely will not stick to it strictly.

I'll document this journey here as well as our transition to The Skinny Rules. I'll most likely start on Sunday as the sales start tomorrow and obviously i have to wait till we get a check to go shopping. (Remember we are self employed!) Have any of you tired Jumpstart? Share your thoughts. :)

24 July 2014

The Skinny Rules

that's it ya'll. Some are somewhat obvious so are not so much. So if you need help with understanding some of those just ask! :)

23 July 2014

Times flies

Oh my how time flies. I need to get back on track here. Something quick. Why? Well I started this blog when Rob was born. And now he's turning 3. We have a new addition to our family too. Her name is Alice, she is currently 3 months old and I need to get get back in shape again. I do have one great secret that has worked wonders for us. Welcome to

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Yes, yes I know Bob Harper Celebrity Trainer. But you know what it works. It works. I have a friend Harper Girl. She really introduced me to Bob. (Ok note IRL but you know got me really looking into his work.) About a year ago April. And it worked. When we stuck to Bob's rules I lost about 8 lbs. Miles lost 30. Then I got pregnant and well the stress of life crept back into our lives. I'm not a stress eater but Miles is. So it took a toll on us. So while I can't stick to the meal plan right now because we're really tight budget wise I'm going to really try and apply most of his principles. I did buy this book because but only after checking it out from the library because it is that awesome. I'm going to see if I can make a quick icon for ya'll of the rules. But come join me and let's get healthy! :)